IS rethink eating right for you?

Do you ever get mad at yourself for eating something “unhealthy”? Do you have forbidden foods you don’t allow yourself to eat? Do you struggle with feelings of guilt and shame around food and your body? Have you tried diet after diet and are still unhappy? There is a better way!

imagine yourself…

  • Eating your favorite food and trusting your body to stop when it feels full

  • Getting pizza and cake at your kid’s birthday party without guilt or shame

  • Wearing shorts on a hot day and not obsessing about how your legs or thighs look

Kristin McDaniel Dietitian Tupelo

are you ready to make a change?

Let me help you heal your relationship with food, break free from body shame, and learn how to nourish and respect your body!

It is possible, and Kristin will be your guide!

See services options below

  • Initial Assessment

    You will start by exploring your relationship with food and your body. This will include your dieting history, self-care practices, and goals you have. You will also learn more about Kristin’s approach, see what working together will look like, and establish a plan moving forward.

    $125 (60 minutes)

    In person or virtual options

  • Follow-up Appointment

    Follow-up appointments are a chance to reflect on your progress towards short-term goals, any barriers to achieving your goals, and provide additional tools and support that set you up for success. These appointments generally take place weekly or every other week.

    $45 (30 minutes); $80 (60 minutes)

    In person or virtual options